Back to the 50s Tour
In June we will spend the entire week in St Paul leading up to the 50th
Anniversary of Back to the 50s. Starting on Sunday, June 16th and running through
Sunday, June 23 rd we will be at our favorite hotel, the Hilton Garden Inn, in Shoreview,
Each day we will head out to some of our favorite places near the Twin Cities.
We will make a return visit to the amazing Veit’s Automotive Foundation where the new
big barn is completed and filled with treasures. We will be taking a day trip north to
Duluth and Lake Superior where we will be taking a boat cruise. We found some
great collections south of the city in past years and will be revisiting those great collections.
Once again we will have special parking at the fairgrounds and, of course, a big
tent for our headquarters all weekend. Keep in mind that the Back to the Fifties is a
1964 and earlier vehicle event. While you may take part on the Tour with a later year car
or truck, any vehicle driving onto the fairgrounds must be 1964 or earlier vintage.
If you would like to join us on the tour download, fill out, and return the 3 forms below to!